Urban planning and sustainability taking into consideration the fields of building energetic and environmental engineering
19th of October, Tuesday, 2021
10:00-14:30 CET time
On the 19th of October, Tuesday, 2021, Vilnius Gediminas technical university will host the interregional seminar and workshop of the SHREC project. The seminar will be broadcast live from Vilnius, Lithuania.
The seminar and workshop "Urban planning and sustainability taking into consideration the fields of building energetic and environmental engineering" will be moderated by Laima Kauspadiene, Director of Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park.
(!) After completing this registration form, the Zoom link will be sent to your email before the event.
The event is a part of the SHREC (SHifting towards Renewable Energy for Transition to Low Carbon Energy) Interreg Europe project, co-funded by the European Union European Regional Development Fund.
First name
Last name
Project role
Project partner
Invited stakeholder
Organisation Type
Local Public Authority
Regional Public Authority
National Public Authority
Sectoral Agency
Infrastructure and (public) Service Provider
Interest Group (including NGOs)
Higher Education and Research Organization
Education / Training Centre and School
Enterprise (excluding SMEs)
Business Support Organization
General Public
Please select one of the three working sessions you would like to attend
1. “Energy communities – attracting of civil society to decarbonisation process”
2. “Wind power plants: development and trends”
3. “Support schemes for development and employment renewables”
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governing this subscription service and agree to be bound by them.
Break out session
Discussion in a break out rooms up to 15 min per question, then sum up of each discussion.
1. “Energy communities – attracting of civil society to decarbonisation process”
1.1. Building integrated PV systems (discussion for 15 min)
1.2. Attracting Municipalities to PV development in the regions (discussion for 15 min)
1.3. Dissemination of PV ideas in society (discussion for 15 min)
2. “Wind power plants: development and trends”
2.1. Development levels in the country, region and trends (discussion for 15 min)
2.2. Self- consumption as a mean for promoting Wind energy development at households (discussion for 15 min)
2.3. Dissemination of Wind energy ideas in society (discussion for 15 min)
3. “Support schemes for development and employment renewables”
3.1. Lessons learnt in previous financing period (2014-2020) (discussion for 15 min)
3.2. 2021-2027 financing period – what’s new for renewables (discussion for 15 min)
3.3. Challenges ahead for promoting renewable energy usage (discussion for 15 min)
19.10.2021 Tuesday
10’00-14’30 CET time
Moderator: Laima Kauspadiene, Director of Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park
10.00 Welcome and introduction
10’05-10’15 Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania (TBC)
10.15 – 12’20 Presentations of Lithuania experts
10’15-10’35 “Low Carbon Society: Back to the Future” – Gintaras Stauskis Professor of Department of Urban Design, Vilnius Tech University
10’35-10’55 „Green energy solutions living in city: are we there yet?” – Haroldas Nausėda, Member of the Board / Director for B2B Clients and Expansion, Ignitis group
Best practises short video movie:
Ignitis Kruonio HAE
Ignitis Solar Park – solar power plant
11’05-11’25 “Solar energy in renovation: zero – emission multifamily house in Lithuania” – Vitas Maciulis, President of Lithuanian Solar Energy Association
Best practises short video movie:
JSC “Bauwerk Group Lietuva“ own solar power plant for the company
11’30-11’40 – Coffee break
11’40-12‘00 „Investing in wind energy towards more stable and reliable future“ – Urtė Daškevičiūtė, President of Lithuanian Wind Energy Association
Best practises short video movie:
WIND park of UAB Enefit Wind
12’10-12’20 “R&D activities on hydrogen in Lithuania”, Darius Milčius, Laboratory Chief of Center for Hydrogen Energy Technologies, Lithuania Energy Institute
12’20-12’50 Lunch break
12’50 Break out session
Discussion in a break out rooms up to 15 min per question, then sum up of each discussion.
1. “Energy communities – attracting of civil society to decarbonisation process”
1.1. Building integrated PV systems (discussion for 15 min)
1.2. Attracting Municipalities to PV development in the regions (discussion for 15 min)
1.3. Dissemination of PV ideas in society (discussion for 15 min)
Sum up (5 min)
2. “Wind power plants: development and trends”
2.1. Development levels in the country, region and trends (discussion for 15 min)
2.2. Self- consumption as a mean for promoting Wind energy development at households (discussion for 15 min)
2.3. Dissemination of Wind energy ideas in society (discussion for 15 min)
Sum up (5 min)
3. “Support schemes for development and employment renewables”
3.1. Lessons learnt in previous financing period (2014-2020) (discussion for 15 min)
3.2. 2021-2027 financing period – what’s new for renewables (discussion for 15 min)
3.3. Challenges ahead for promoting renewable energy usage (discussion for 15 min)
Sum up (5 min)
14’15 Final summing up of first day
Moderator and audience